Sunday, March 7, 2021

What Took so Long?


     As a corollary to my recent post, I wanted to address some questions that come to mind when considering the seeming collapse of a Governor Cuomo’s political career. Why do all these scandals seem to be coming to light now? What was holding them back during the second half of 2020? Perhaps the scandal involving the deliberate under reporting and obscuring of nursing home deaths in New York simply was simply taking time to develop and uncover. Extensive reports like the one issued back in January by New York Attorney General Laticia James take time to research and write. It is reasonable to conclude that the attorney general’s office simply wanted to make sure they had it right before they published such a damning report. However, what is perhaps more questionable is why the allegations of sexual harassment took so long to acquire media attention and attention from other political leaders in New York and around the country. Lindsey Boylan initially made allegations against Governor Cuomo back in December 2020. Her story did not get traction until recent weeks. Furthermore, the events that the other accusers allege took place also occurred in 2020. It is certainly fair to say that victims of sexual harassment and/or assault often have a very difficult time coming forward for a number of reasons, and this is certainly not to say that they should have conducted themselves differently; they are allowed to process their own trauma on their own timeline. However, it is interesting that the media is deciding now is the time to place focus on the sexual harassment scandal which, as mentioned earlier, was originally alleged by Ms. Boylan back in December.

     Brendan Nyhan, a professor at Dartmouth College, published an interesting study in The British Journal of Political Science which might shed some light on this. In the study, Nyhan looked at what makes a scandal against a U.S president more likely to develop and be covered by the media. Nyhan found support for the theories that scandals often develop when there more intense opposition from the opposing party and when there is there is less congestion in the news media. Nyhan suggested that these factors are also applicable to scandal development against other political leaders, especially state governors. Perhaps this is what is taking place with Governor Cuomo. Now that Donald Trump has left office and is no longer taking up a massive amount of media attention, the media has more time to focus on lesser issues and cover “smaller” stories. There was little room for anything outside of Trump for several years and especially in the final days of his presidency - January 6th comes to mind. With that in the rear-view mirror, the media seems to be taking a more scrutinizing look at political leaders across the country, and unfortunately for Cuomo, he is one of them.

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  1. Herb Porath. May 15, 2021, Response to BLOG, What took so long
    Joseph, I agree with your questioning the motives of the media in the timing of their accusations of sexual misconduct by Governor Cuomo. It could very well be that then President Trump just seemed to take all of the air out of the room and totally dominate the news until the day he left office. Although I have another take on why the press took so long to jump on the sexual misconduct bandwagon. The so-called traditional media of today is not the media of yesterday. As we all know, they are trying to hang on to their place in the sun by whatever means they can. If having to make a choice between pleasing the Biden Administration and throwing a fellow democrat, Governor Cuomo, under the bus, obviously they are going to side with the administration. The current administration is about ready to roll the clock back on Due Process for college students (read my blog ). A few years ago, the Trump Secretary of Education informed the colleges across the country, the process of if accused of sexual misconduct you are guilty because you were accused, has to change to allow college students the right of Due Process. Now the Biden Secretary of Education is seriously considering changing that back to ‘guilty if accused’, Due Process does not apply. Therefore, the media after four years of being ignored by the Trump Administration and loosing a considerable amount of influence, is willing to do anything to be in the good graces of the new Biden Administration. If abandoning the Constitutional right of Due Process when accusations are made concerning sexual misconduct then do what you have to do, the end justifies the means. Yes, accusations of sexual misconduct were made before Biden took power, although now being able to view the administration’s position of the subject, they figured jump on the bandwagon.

  2. If the same accusation were made against Bill Clinton you would not hear a word except, "Attention Kmart shoppers... all blue dresses are now at least half off".
